Ok Connie! This blogs for you!! I have 2 weeks off next week so hopefully I'll be able to catch up!
For now, here's Gage with the jolly big fella.
I think he liked him!!
Today we went down to the pumpkin patch to have family pics taken. We promised Gage he could ride the tractor when we were done so we stayed after a little bit and I snapped a couple of my own.
We met Papa for breakfast before we headed to the fair this year so he could
bring us the wagon he'd been working on for Gage.
Check out this ride.....
The boys loved it!
Forget the animals! Forget the rides! The tractors were Gage's favorite!
"I ride!! I ride!! I ride!!"
We came to the fair on this weekend for one real reason....The Backyardigans!
We stood in line FOREVER in the hot hot sun to meet them. Gage was SUPER excited when
he saw them and kept saying "Pablo! Pablo!" But when it was his turn....
This was the only pic we got. LoL
Driving to the rodeo Friday night. Gage's first trip in the motorhome. He thought it was pretty cool when big trucks would pass us and he would say "More Papa! More Papa!"
My little dude ready for the parade!
This was the start of the rain. It rained ALL weekend!!
Waiting for the parade to start.
My little cowboy. Tough enough to wear pink!
This was the highlight of the fair for Gage!! John Deere had about 10 tractors there and Gage wanted to ride them ALL.....10 times. He'd point to one and say "I ride!! I ride!!" He'd drive that one for a couple seconds, point to the next one and start all over. Nana and Daddy carried him from tractor to tractor all afternoon.